1. The guarantor guarantees the quality of the equipment specified in the name of the equipment in the Warranty Card (hereinafter referred to as the "Equipment").

2. The Guarantor shall ensure that the equipment is new, complete, unused and free from any defect. In addition, the Guarantor shall ensure that the equipment used in accordance with the instruction manual, its essence and purpose is functioning correctly.

3. The warranty period is 24 months from the date of sale for the consumer and 12 months for the business customer (6 month battery).

4. Warranty liability covers only defects caused by the hardware in the hardware sold due to defective hardware.

5. The following parts or damages are not covered by the warranty:
(a) parts of equipment subject to natural wear;
(b) mechanical damage to the equipment (mechanical damage is also caused by flooding, dusting, falling, dirt of the speaker with metal chips);
(c) defects arising out of the use of the equipment in violation of the operating instructions;
(d) defects resulting from improper storage or maintenance of equipment;
(e) damage caused by the use of improper accessories not in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions;
(f) damage resulting from random events such as flood, fire, lightning, etc.

6. The hardware warranty expires if unauthorized entities, in particular unauthorized servicemen, make any repairs, modifications, modifications, or modifications to the hardware. The affirmation of damage to seals, labels or other safeguards, or blurring of them, which prevent reading the information contained therein, may be treated as an interference by an unauthorized person.

7. The warrantee shall without undue delay report the fact of disclosing the defect in the equipment under pain of loss of warranty rights.

8. The Guarantor shall provide a defect free of charge within 14 working days from the date of delivery of defective equipment together with a properly completed and signed original warranty card and proof of purchase of the equipment. Repairs may be extended in special cases where the defect is not permanent and longer diagnostics or necessary parts are required.

9. Only the Guarantor is entitled to remove the defects covered by the guarantee.

10. In the case of replacement of the equipment in whole or in part, the replacement is in the possession of the Warrantee, while defective equipment or faulty items listed in the faulty equipment are held by the Guarantor.

11. The holder of the guarantee is the holder of a self-signed original guarantee card issued by an authorized equipment dealer or a guarantor.

12. The warranty holder shall not be entitled to any warranty other than those mentioned above. This provision is without prejudice to mandatory statutory provisions.

13. The guarantor is not liable for any loss or damage resulting from malfunction or damage to the camera and for any loss or damage resulting from the inability to use the camera in repair.